Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions (FAQ) resource can instruct, enlighten, and guide the new visitors more quickly and appropriately in a natural way through content toward the goals and end results what chicksbazaar audience need it.
Is it necessary to sign up or register to see the published ads?
No, it is not necessary to see the published ads and their whole description.
What is benefit if I register on
You will be able to post your birds advertisement for free on, when you registeron our website.
Is there any chance other visitors see my personal information except ads detail?
No, as per our privacy policy your information kept secret there is no chance other visitors see your personal information except ads detail along with your username and location and contact info.
How many ads can I post after registration.
There is no limit of posting ads on chicksbazaar but with no duplicates and spam ads.
what makes different feature ads from regular ads?
Mostly, featured ads within specific time frame are always shown on the main classified page and run at the top in all advertisement pages . Featured advertisementsreceived a greater response than a regular ad.
Who is trusted Sellers?
Trusted sellers are reliable, honest, and trustworthy sellers whose breeds will pure as well as eggs and chicks.
Can I advertise poultry related accessories items?
Yes, you can advertise poultry related accessories items like incubators, temperature kit, humidity kit and light bulb etc.