The right hen for every house – the right egg for every market. LOHMANN Brown Classic continues to, achieve excellent breeding results and has become the UK leader in the supply of laying hens.

Lohmann Brown Classic was formed in 2000 in order to market Lohmann laying birds in the UK and Republic of Ireland. The company was originally a partnership between Lohmann Tierzucht and Poultry First Limited in the UK.

In January 2008, the Poultry First share of the company was purchased to form Lohmann Brown Classic. The company also bought the farming business of Poultry First so that it could have total responsibility for rearing and managing its own parent stock for hatching egg production. Lohmann Brown Classic continues to be an integrated company with strong links between sales and production.

Lohmann Tierzucht, our partner, is the largest Layer Breeder Company in the world and has been successfully breeding layers for distribution worldwide since 1959. The company strategy is to breed layers to meet the specific needs of the market they are supplying. Lohmann Tierzucht provides total support to their global partners and subsidiaries and ensures that the highest standards of husbandry and bird welfare are adhered to.

Lohmann Brown Classic currently supplies two breeds:

Lohmann Brown Classic and Lohmann Brown Lite

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